The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19401   Message #198304
Posted By: Bradypus
20-Mar-00 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! Part 17
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! Part 17
I don't know if I dare - this is a new genre for me!

The tune is 'Lulu had a Baby'. If you don't know the original, I hope this still works. I checked Digitrad for Lulu, and the best it came up with was another song described as having a similar tune to 'Lulu had a Baby'. Make of that what you will.

The song takes the advertising jingle approach - but perhaps takes it a bit too far ???

Something for the Weekend

Come to the Salon Sex Symbol
We'll not let you down
For hair styling and other things
The hottest place in town
Come and meet our stylists
The finest in the land
And if you're frustrated
They'll give you a

Handsome haircut, square across the back
Salon Sex Symbol's the place
Not a run down shack.

Come and have a haircut
And other things beside
Come and watch a film with us
Just come for the ride
Lovely girls, all of them
All polite, not rude
For a few bucks extra
They'll trim you in the

New designer fashion clothes they wear
Quite the finest show in town
When they're cutting hair.

Come and take a cabin
Come and watch them dance
Such delightful girls
We're sure they will entrance
Pay a few bucks extra
And if you're in luck
Extra services they'll give –
You can have a

Face wash, beard trim, shampoo and blow dry
Everything to make you smile, not to make you cry
Hey there! Say there! How's about a kiss
Hey there! Say there! That's the end of this!