The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99449   Message #1983140
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
01-Mar-07 - 04:07 PM
Thread Name: The BBC Board
Subject: RE: The BBC Board
Devil...the Ashley thread had gone earlier this afternoon. It may well have popped back for a short time...but it's obviously gone again. What will happen next, I've no doubt is that it will come back, but with the title and first post zapped...and as there were no other comments on'll make no sense. But that's how the BBC want to support folk musicians these days.

Nope...underneath my one long post in the Rainbow Chasers thread, is another one, closed, which related to a link on the post above not working. I said that you could access that link via Ashley's 'unofficial' page on myspace. It was allowed on originally, then it was withdrawn..

Again..petty, mindless, spiteful and staggering...but that is how that board is now run..and it will drive people away and quite frankly I'm sure the BBC wouldn't give a damn if all their boards were closed down...There not really interested in supporting folk musicians...unless they have a vested interest.....perhaps.

MacKenzie dear....I was talking about my BBC messages made by my band The Aliases.....Over here...when you talk so rudely to me, I can respond in a little more depth...although I don't go to the same depth as down and eat your Acid Drops...there's a Good Laddie...and stop sulking! ;0)