The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19398   Message #198319
Posted By: InOBU
20-Mar-00 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: Folk Music and Politics
Subject: RE: Folk Music and Politics
Man oh MAN! This is getting fun, iznt!?
First of all, TONY! No real leftist is gonna get mad at you, in my estimation, cause you make your points well and without personal invective. I bet you and I and a couple of my lefty worker pals from Belfast and New York would have a great time in a pub, and though we would disagree on lots, like the governments obligation to return to workers, through taxation enough of what is taken by their bosses, that, when the steel industry becomes the steal industry and robbs America of its ability to make steel, workers should have help from the government to buy and work the means of productions they built and compete with the Korean steel their former bosses are not shoveing down our throats if not up another hole - (sorry I get a bit carried away guys) But, I can tell the way you write, your are one of us, you are a worker. Unlike the post which accused some of us of learning our music from hippies etc. I went to work at 11 and went to sea at 16. I learned about music from my dad, who went down in the coal mines at 13 and worked until he could no longer stand on his feet. Thats where my music comes from, and with great love and respect for our brother, Jed, (Hey, Brother, I liked it when you where Liam - Good name!) that bumber sticker does not say much to me, when it says keep your politics out of my music. When, as a busker, I see a fellow working on the streets like me, Amadou, getting shot dead in a hail of bullits, and then, just last night, the same damn thing happens again, and the Mayor of New York, tries to paint a good man, who died when he thought he was resisting an agressive drug dealer, who turned out to be shoving an undercover drug cop, well, in the tradition of my dad, the only thing this poor worker can do is sing about it. And yes Tony VOTE, God bless you brother, even though we vote on different tickets.