The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98947   Message #1983562
Posted By: lennice
02-Mar-07 - 02:05 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Songs About Feet
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Songs About Feet
Log Driver's Waltz:

If you ask any girl from the parish around
what pleases her most from her head to her TOES
she's likely to say it's no business of yours,
but I sure like to dance with the log drivers

ch: for they go burling down, down white water
that's how the log driver learns to STEP lively.
go burling down, down white water,
the log driver's waltz pleases girls completely.

3rd verse:
To please both my parents I have to comply
and dance with the merchant, the doctor, the lawyer.
Tho their manners are lovely their FEET are of clay
and I'm going to marry a log driver.