The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99523   Message #1983951
Posted By: autolycus
02-Mar-07 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Conservapedia?
Subject: RE: BS: Conservapedia?
It's part of the conservative mindset that Shrub produced with his"If you're not for us,you're against us."

   A conservative goes off the deep end really quickly with anyone who doesn't just agree and shut up;much the point of view of most bosses,too.[Not known for their liberal tendencies,either.]

   That's why I think they believe Wiki is 'liberal'.

   What the conservative mind seems to reject (pulling a punch,there), are shades;for them,everything is black and white.

   And of course,when someone says that someone/something is conservative/liberal/socialist,left/right/centre, it's necessary to know the position of the speaker in order to begin to understand what they've said.
