The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19485   Message #198433
Posted By: GUEST,Christine Rigney
20-Mar-00 - 11:01 PM
Thread Name: Help: Folk music video for children
Subject: Folk music video for children
Greetings, I'm wondering if someone might be able to point me in the right direction. I'm assisting in home schooling a very special ten year old girl who has autism. In several weeks we will be starting a new unit on the history of folk music, (nothing too involved - general music appreciation). Since video is a medium she responds so well to I'm hoping to find one (or several) which is educational and entertaining for a young person. I'm tremendously grateful for any suggestions anyone may have. P.S. While I'm here I'd be foolish not to ask... any ideas for children's folk music story books? Much thanks, Christine