The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25268   Message #1984657
Posted By: Helen
03-Mar-07 - 01:19 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Princess Royal
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Princess Royal

At the same site you linked to you can hear the one attributed to O'Carolan: Miss MacDermott (Princess Royal)

The related info is here: Miss MacDermott (Princess Royal) - info

There is a link to an image file of the music notation there too.

I have not heard the tune played as fast as this midi, and it has a lilting sound when played more slowly which gives it a different feel altogether, but I believe it likely that this is the version from a book published by Ossian Publications and which has a very, very long title:
Anon. (1984). Complete Collection of the Much Admired Old Irish
      Tunes: The Original and Genuine Compositions of Carolan
      the Celebrated Harper and Composer (1670-1738).
Iona Green, Cork, Ireland: Ossian Publications, 21 Iona green,
      Cork, Ireland.   
