The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99547   Message #1984757
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
03-Mar-07 - 06:51 AM
Thread Name: Show of Hands at The Royal Albert Hall
Subject: Show of Hands at The Royal Albert Hall
Hi :0)

Anyone else going to see them this Easter?

Many of you may like to follow the run-up to their 3rd sell out gig at the biggest villlage hall in the country by taking up this offer from The Western Morning News:

Western Morning News and Show of Hands

Hopefully Mudcat will allow this thread to stay up here where it belongs, despite the efforts of certain members of Mudcat to turn it into yet another chaotic thread.

Suppression does not belong on here, just as it does not belong on the BBC board either. The more that people give in to it, the more those who seek to do it think they have won.

I would also like to take this opportunity to point out that I do not and will not take over other threads with 'recipes' or anything else.
Think how outraged some of you may feel if I had done that on a Nic Jones thread for instance, or any other thread that you may have started or are enjoying.

So...I'd ask the hypocrites to stay out of this thread. This is the only post I'll put in here, so you won't be able to wind me up any further I'm afraid.

The information I've posted on the link above, is for the many people who read Mudcat, who may well be interested in following up what is going to be happening in The Western Morning News, which is the major 'local' paper for all of Devon and Cornwall.

To anyone else who is going to see Show of Hands at The Royal Albert Hall, I very much hope you enjoy it. I know we all will.


Lizzie :0)