The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99210   Message #1985023
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
03-Mar-07 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: Hey, You! Get Off Of My Note!
Subject: RE: Hey, You! Get Off Of My Note!
Hey, Ron:

How nice to see you in here. I really enjoyed your contributions, and whether I knew what you posted or not isn't the question. To me, knowledge is to be shared, not to be used to establish superiority. We are all experts on some things. And woefully ignorant on others. Lack of knowledge is never something to be apologetic about. The only way that we grow is to ask questions.

Years ago, I used to tell my friend Pat Conte who is an international expert on ethnic music of the world that I was his "Unplowed Field." (I knew nothing about the traditional music of Tahiti, for example.) We are all unplowed fields in some areas of knowledge. And here's to all the unplowed fields! What a pleasure to share our knowledge of things that we love with those who have a desire to learn more!

I still have enough unplowed fields in my knowledge to keep a cadre of friends joyfully busy for the rest of my life.

Ain't it exciting!
