The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99346   Message #1985123
Posted By: Susanne (skw)
03-Mar-07 - 02:50 PM
Thread Name: German Folk- and Blues-Singers
Subject: RE: German Folk- and Blues-Singers
Glad to help, Roy, but Manfred came up with the name first. He just put one letter too many into 'Michael'.

I don't think Elster Silberflug are still performing, though I may be wrong. But I heard Ougenweide, who were the foremost band for doing mediaeval stuff and set a trend, have re-formed.

Joy Fleming's name reminded me of Joana, another one of the Waldeck crop of singers and, like Reinhard Mey, probably more influenced by the French chanson tradition than by the Anglo-American s-s tradition. There are more women - Ina Deter who's just turned sixty, Jule Neigel - or Julia, as she now calls herself - but I'm not too good on women, preferring male voices. Of groups I'd mention the Biermoesl Blosn and the Wellkueren, three brothers and three sisters from the Well family from Bavaria. Also, Bairisch-Diatonischer Jodelwahnsinn (anyone like to translate, please?). All three groups sing satirical, sometimes highly political lyrics in traditional musical garb. Fabulous!