The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99547   Message #1985337
Posted By: GUEST,Uncle Albert
03-Mar-07 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: Show of Hands at The Royal Albert Hall
Subject: RE: Show of Hands at The Royal Albert Hall
Sorry to correct you Ruth but...

You have to remember it's a very strange situation at the Albert Hall as many seats are initially reserved for debenture holders.

In addition seats are sometimes released in blocks. Seats that may appear 'sold' on the 'choose your own seat' option may not have been released for sale at all yet.

Looking at the 'choose your own seat' option which is what DMcG did gives a very inaccurate impression regarding the number of seats actually sold.

A gig that may "appear to be almost sold out" could, in truth, be anything but.