The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97417   Message #1985527
Posted By: TRUBRIT
04-Mar-07 - 01:06 AM
Thread Name: BS - This parenting thing is so hard
Subject: RE: BS - This parenting thing is so hard
But being a parent has its 'up' times too! Entertained our oldest daughter's boyfriend's parents for dinner tonight (lots of apostrophes - hope I got them right......). So nice to hear other adults validate what you believe about your daughter -- that she is the BEST .... decent people, decent son, loves my daughter- -- can't be so bad..........

And daughter #2 calling and asking us to drop everything and pick her up and then calling up and apologizing for being inconsiderate ....

And child # three - still in school and passing every class .... if he keeps this up he will GRADUATE.......

Life aint so bad.