The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99572   Message #1985575
Posted By: The Length
04-Mar-07 - 04:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Blair invites Mudcat to form government
Subject: BS: Blair invites Mudcat to form government
Tony Blair has decided he had enough.
After meeting the Queen he said "The next government of the United Kingdom should be formed by mudcat members" (he loves the site).

George Bush rang him late last night and said "Tony, love the idea, I visit the site daily, I look upon it as a fan club, think I will stand down too, seeing I also made a balls up of this country". I also want to see Mudcat members run the White House.

So now folks and folkies, the official election for number 10 in the UK has just opened, and the empty seat in the White House needs filled. We need to form two honest trustworthy crews of men and women to run these two fine nations.

Please publicly cast your vote.

Prime Minister/President =

All Ministerial positions available =

All Secretarial positions available =

Position of Minister for entertainment "The Length" or John Prescott"