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Thread #98515   Message #1986453
Posted By: GUEST,Resolute
04-Mar-07 - 10:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: 9/11 eyewitness in WTC sub-basement
Subject: BS: WTC collapse predicted by newscasters
I could have sworn I posted this here. Guess not. Worth repeating.

On the morning of Sept 11, 2001, the BBC and CNN were reporting World Trade Center building 7 had collapsed (past tense), but they reported it BEFORE the collapse.

Someone was going back through the footage of 9/11 broadcasts a few days ago and noticed a corner of WTC 7 over Jane Standley's shoulder while she read what sounds like a prepared statement about the building's collapse (collapse talked about in the past tense).

The videoclip was uploaded to Googlevideo, then that site began pulling it down as fast as it went up, in real time...unprecedented event. Normally it takes them hours or days to censor. Then the thing started showing up on Youtube.

And now others are going through similar footage and have found the same discrepancy on CNN footage. Aaron Brown reporting the building collapsed while it is still standing behind him. Amazing. Two talking heads reading off the same script.

This opens the door to subpoenas. CNN and the BBC can be compelled to tell who told them in advance that the building was going to collapse.   So this is videotaped proof of prior knowledge. Very, very important evidence. Proof positive, from two "trusted news sources," that the govt lied to us, at the very minimum.

(The googlevideo and youtube links may or may not be active, but a search of those sites will turn up whatever clips are active at the moment).