The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99565   Message #1986522
Posted By: Marion
05-Mar-07 - 12:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ozzie Catter coming to Ontario
Subject: RE: BS: Ozzie catter seeks info on Ontario
Hi JennieG. I'm a current resident of East York. Another Mudcatter able to make that claim is Eve Goldberg, though I don't see her posting very often.

I don't have any direct knowledge of temporary accomodations - my suggestion would be to go to the free online classifieds at Craig's List. In the "Housing" category, there's a "sublets/temporary" listing - most are measured in months, but if you scroll down and look for low prices, you'll find some available by the day or week.

What sort of folk events would appeal to you? Concerts, song circles, tune sessions, contra dances, etc? There is a song circle every Friday night, held in various people's homes. As for concerts, there are the "Acoustic Harvest" and "Fiddles and Frets" series in East York; the website is here, though she doesn't have the schedule posted that far in advance.

Or, I could have you over to my little place to sing songs, drink cider, and watch the toilet swirl the wrong way.

As to the question of East York's existence: my understanding is that it's an obsolete term for a municipality that has been incorporated into the City of Toronto, but continues to be used informally.

Personal security: it's true that we do tend to attack people with two by fours, even when we know they're armed. You can easily counter this hazard by carrying a two by four with a nail driven through it.

Vegemite: You're sending him Vegemite? I don't buy the stuff myself, but I could swear I've seen it in grocery stores here.
