The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99346   Message #1987689
Posted By: Ron Davies
05-Mar-07 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: German Folk- and Blues-Singers
Subject: RE: German Folk- and Blues-Singers
Hi Suzanne et al.,

I know I omitted to note that Walter Scheel was a prominent politician--I thought he was Aussenminister-- at the time he recorded "Hoch auf dem gelben Wagen". That's why I did say that it was "quite an event" and that a parody of it also came out.

I'll tell you I was impressed with him.

I assumed that posters on this thread would recognize the name--and the event. It's a delicate balance between belaboring an event well known to all and leaving out crucial information 'Catters would be interested in.