The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98515   Message #1987785
Posted By: Blindlemonsteve
06-Mar-07 - 01:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: 9/11 eyewitness in WTC sub-basement
Subject: RE: BS: 9/11 eyewitness in WTC sub-basement
Hi I think the reporting by the BBC and CNN about WTC 7 collapsing before it actually had, probably is a mix up, they were going to do a controlled explosion to bring it down, i think with all that was going on that terrible day, a slight mix up is acceptable. What i would call into question is, how on earth did they get the explosives into the building in the right places to do a controlled explosion so fast. This would take weeks to do this normally. i dont think we can jump to any conclusions about a bomb theory on the account of these two chaps either, a few tons of aviation fuel alight and falling down a lift shaft is gonna do some hefty damage when it hits the bottom.
Just athought, but hey, lets not let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory,,,, remember, George Bush is stupid,,,,,But is he really THAT stupid.