The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98924   Message #1988108
Posted By: beardedbruce
06-Mar-07 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Proof that Bush lied
Subject: RE: BS: Proof that Bush lied

I have given you opportunities to offer up ***proof*** that Bush lied but you have offered up the ***opinions*** of others who were ***not*** even part of the situation...

When you have ***proof***, get back to us... Yer little articles would not hold up in an academic environment as *** proof*** seeing that its authors weren't involved but rather second guessers...

As for your bad habit of calling people "liars" and "bushites" you need to quit this very bad habit... It makes you sound like an assh*le and doesn't make anyone agree with you, but quite the contrary, refuse to accept anything you say as having any validity...

"little article would not hold up in an academic environment as *** proff*** seeing that its authors weren't involved but rather second guessers"

Don't bother poor ol' Bobert with world view and common sense stuff, world ... Bobert ain't wired that way... He likes his discussions to be confined to a tiny drop of acedemia under a high power microscrope... That's his comfy zone...

But then I guess the rules you try to apply to other people aren't supposed to be applied to YOUR statements.