The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19444   Message #198895
Posted By: Fountainfox
21-Mar-00 - 06:21 PM
Thread Name: Help: Great Lakes Chanty Sings?
Subject: RE: Help: Great Lakes Chanty Sings?
Tim --

A site I look at every now and then may be of help. It is

and it seems to have available almost anything imaginable about lake boats and ships. Their message board is in the button 'info search,' which is a little misleading because it is a message board. Those who read this site range from boat fans (boatnerds) to people who work on the ships themselves. The 'search' involves means post a question and someone will dig up an answer in most cases.

One musician mentioned for songwriting in one of the posts was a guy named Dan Hall, who I have never heard of. For all I know, he may lurk around here. His web page is


I went to his site, where there are samples which I could never get to work beyond the intro. He also has an email address there.