The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99449   Message #1989247
Posted By: GUEST,Bystander
07-Mar-07 - 06:16 AM
Thread Name: The BBC Board
Subject: RE: The BBC Board
Lizzie -it doesn't look as though you've bothered to try and read the tone in Ralph's posting. He's actually being quite matter of fact, and helpful to you. Recording of concerts or performances OF ANY KIND (not just folk) is a NO NO for many reasons, the main one being of a copyright type nature .. this situation exists not just in the folk world but in any other. Quite a few of us would like to record concerts or gigs that we go to .. if you go to theatre concerts they normally tell you that recording isn't allowed... I also recall a Song Links concert at Sidmouth a few years ago where people in the front row were spotted to have recording gear _and_ cameras - both were banned and confiscated. I went to a rehearsal of a classical concert that I would have liked to record - just to say that I had been there- but was warned off because the orchestra would have downed tools if they became aware of it. Ralph was not "threatening consequences" - just pointing out the realities of the entertainment/performance world. In some circumstances you might even find legal action being taken against you. There CAN be severe consequences,and they are nothing to do with Ralph!

"There's no point in me writing anything about anyone anymore."
Nobody was saying anything about you writing stuff (on this occasion). The comments were purely about the fact that recording gigs without the artist's permission isn't on or legal.

"So from now on, the folk world can sing to it's heart delight."
Don't wish to sound harsh, but it did it for centuries before you found it, and will continue to do so.

"But I'll write no more words, because I am sick to death of the petty, spiteful, narrow-minded, unwelcoming world that I have had the great misfortune to come across in the English Traditional world in particular."

Your perceived world is one that you yourself have created by your own actions and principally, I hate to say it, words. In my own experience the folk world (and particularly the traditional world) is a very welcoming and open one, and I have made many friends through it, who have been happy to share their experiences and their music with me.

" Whether it's down to jealousy of artists who have 'made it' I know not.."
Jealousy of what, for goodness sake??? In reality the folk world is quite small - go to enough festivals and you'll see the same faces over and over again - you'll find that most of the artists know each other quite well, and have worked with each other over the years. They have no reason to be jealous of each other - in fact, if you cared to find out about it, you would discover that most regard each other as "family". Many of them actually have no desire to"make" it, as you put it - simply to carry on enjoying the music which they like to make, and sharing it with others.

"I want no more part of it...ever....I shall leave you ALL to YOUR world"
Sorry, but I think we've heard that before - more than once.