The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19398   Message #198946
Posted By: High and Lonesome
21-Mar-00 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: Folk Music and Politics
Subject: RE: Folk Music and Politics
Jed Marum:

I think Sorcha means John McCutcheon (am I spelling his name correctly), who does, in addition to folk music, a nice job with children's music. If you have a little one, I recommend him (he's got my five year old waltzing around the house singing, "Howdje do de do de doddle do." Anyone who can get the little ones singing Woody Guthrie songs shows that people like me don't need to distinguish betwen folk and children's music. (Though I still do.)

As to his "political" music, I'm not as up on it as I should be. I don't think his song about the Rubber Blubber Whale counts, really.

And as to whether voting Republican makes you a conservative, given that the current batch of Republicans wants to dramatically change how the government is run, if not shut it down entirely, and a conservative wants to preserve the existing order, I think voting Republican means you are NOT a conservative.