The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99449   Message #1989509
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
07-Mar-07 - 10:38 AM
Thread Name: The BBC Board
Subject: RE: The BBC Board
Thank you Scrump xx   Take cover though...I'm about to explode!

If of nervous disposition, don't read this folks, because this has been a long time coming!

>>>Subject: RE: The BBC Board
From: GUEST,Ralphie - PM
Date: 07 Mar 07 - 05:35 AM

I was only talking about Ivor Cutler.
And the do's and dont's regarding recording gigs?
Sorry if I upset you.
Ralph <<<<

You B***** Hypocrite Ralph Jordan! How can you dare write that after what you said about me in the Show of Hands thread the other day...and what you have been doing for so long?

I do NOT accept your apology!

And you know why?

Well, I'll tell you why!!


First of all, for the last year you have done nothing BUT attack me on the BBC board or over here. FACT!

Secondly, you have not only attacked me, but you have, at times, risked putting my family in danger by putting my real surname on the BBC board, over and over and over!

You did that WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! It broke BBC rules. There was no excuse for it in any way whatsoever!! AND...You did THAT in the full knowledge that it would, and was, upsetting me AND you did it repeatedly!

It ONLY stopped because I told the BBC I'd sue their backsides off...and yours too, if the harrassment and abuse that was coming from you, Diane and Joan was not stopped! They then put you in pre-mod, and Joan too and banned Diane I believe.

So don't you DARE go round being holier than thou about asking 'permission' from people, when you seek NO permission before dragging someone's family through SHIT on a messageboard Ralph!!!!

Thirdly...WHY do I record gigs and write about them, or at least USED to write about them? Come on tell me!!! You, Diane and Joan, apparently know me BETTER than I know myself...You KNOW all the reasons I do things, don't you? Don't YOU Ralph???????

Well, I'll tell you why I do/did it...

I did it for the artists and for the music! I did NOT do it for me!!!


I did it because I am SICK of the way such talented musicians are ignored and because of the way so many young people know NOTHING of the folk world, mainly because the (imo) bloody controlling, Orwellian BBC won't let the folk world or our powerful singer/songwriters OUT!!!!

I did it because I KNOW that people read what I write! I don't care how you interpret that...I truly don't....but I know it's true, and that by getting people to read about the folk world I was, in my own tiny way, contributing to spreading the word.

Oh...and HERE is a thread I started about musicians not being paid enough....way back on the go spit your venomous words about how I feel about that somewhere ELSE!


And YOU, more than anyone, Ralph, know that my words DO/DID get people to go out and buy CDs or music by certain artists...because even though it now appears to drive you bats, a while back I discovered YOUR music and I wrote about it...and suddenly people were coming on the R2 board asking where they could find 'Flat Earth'

Do you remember THAT Ralph????

I'm sorry...I can't hear you! You'll have to scream louder!!!'s the thread!


Sadly, my CD of Flat Earth went to Oxfam a long time ago, because when you started attacking me, I couldn't bear to have your music in the house. I have to respect the musicians whose music I love...My respect for you went down the Swannee overnight with the way you behaved...and continue to behave...

"Sorry if I upset you" ???????    PAH!!!! Yet ANOTHER slice of Hypocrite Pie is called for!

And as for 'family' HAH!!!!

Do me a favour!!!

Some parts of the folk world ARE like a family aren't they? One of the most foul, unpleasant, vitriolic, unwelcoming, negative, unsupportive, jealous, bitter, insensitive, bullying, small-minded and DEEPLY ABUSIVE families that I have EVER come across!

AND...also for your information....I've been sent many a CD by musicians! One of whom was the very same person who told a complete lie about me on the BBC board very recently, directing people over here to see some vicious posts that had been started up about me...?????? He also helps out with Oxford Festival I believe. This is despite me being supportive of his music way, way back, when he sent it to me, via Mel even though I had never asked for it....Well..well...well....

Yet another slice of hypocrite pie perhaps?

'Use her when you need to, verbally abuse her when you want to'...HAH!

Let's be honest, most of this hatred that has rained down upon me for years is because I DARED to say I liked Show of Hands and then wouldn't damn well go away! I was attacked the very first time I ever wrote about them...and it never ever stopped. GEEZ! HOW some of you people HATE Show of Hands! Steve Knightley in particular it seems to me...You'll stop at nothing, NOTHING to try and bring them into disrepute or to belittle them etc..etc...And it drives you all WILD with FURY that Show of Hands rise above every single bit of it....and their fanbase just gets bigger and bigger and bigger and more and more people are being brought into 'your world'

To begin with, on the BBC, I was treated as 'a bit of a joke' as David said once on the board...You all had fun kicking me gently around between you, like a football in the park, humouring yourselves, whilst idling away the hours for months..You Ralph, I believe, were not in all of this nastiness at the time. Others were though, they know well who they are. It had been hoped that I'd get fed up and go away...I didn't. Not only did I not go, but I learnt to stand up to many of the creeps who were doing this to me. And...I learnt to sling their arrows back at them..

The BBC could and should have intervened right at the start, but hey...I think they were quite enjoying it too...besides, I picked up on Mike Harding's show, so I became Smooth Ops 'darling' for a short while.

And during all of this, I was falling in love with such beautiful music...and finding more and more talent, and becoming more and more enraged that they were not supported by the I started writing about them too.

But then, Fiona 'lost it'...and she started her 'Troll Campaign' being (imo) incredibly nasty. She'd recently suffered a beareavement, that's what she came over to Longdogs that time to tell me about, whilst demeaning me in front of the other Longdogs saying how dreadful I was to old people, because I'd dared to order Ian Anderson a brightly coloured mobility scooter, in one of my Sidmouth stories (it was a joke)...when Ian had said he couldn't come to Siddy 2005. Ian, apparently found this very funny. Fiona however, went into meltdown over it..

Because she was grieving, or so I thought, I held right back. I watched her put terrible things about me on that board...but I held back! I wrote to Mel about it...but nothing happened. Fiona continued, at times putting terrible lies on about me. If I dared to come back to her about them, Mel, the BBC host at the time, told me I was over-reacting! Over-reacting?????!!!!!

It went on for years, despite me asking her on the board to stop, only recently ending, just before I was banned, and ONLY ending because Diane and I, together, gave her just a tiny dose of her own medicine and she suddenly realised how awful it felt. She never apologised for what she'd done though, the way she upset that board, created havoc, misery and distrust, or for what she did in Longdogs either, which resulted in me leaving them...But hey ho...such is the way with some folk.

And Ralph, if you remember, Fiona finally opened her eyes very recently when instead of using your unpleasant messages about me, against me, as she had been doing over and over, she turned around and told you off for it, saying that this 'ganging up' was deeply unpleasant. Well well well...

But you took no notice, did you? Nope!

You changed I think, over two incidences...The first was when I dared to suggest that friends of Nic Jones came together to record his songs, with the proceeds going to Nic. It was merely a thought that came into my head and within seconds it was on the board. It was not about me in any way at all. But about Nic. That idea was taken up by Radio Britfolk I believe, I've no idea if it's still going on...I hope it is.

The other one, was when Diane and I were having our usual banter about 'the tradition' and I wrote a piece about The New Tradition Cafe, which opened up just next door to Cecil Sharp House, can't remember which thread it was on I'm afraid. In the New Tradition Cafe, all were welcome, they had John Tams words written above the door from his song 'Safe House' (and yes Diane I know they are from The Lakes of Ponchartrain'...those words were...

"Come in, lie easy and lay down your weary brow. You're welcome here kind stranger you're in a safe house now"

In there I had many people from the folk world...ALL singing and playing together on the stage...all welcoming, all warm...Trouble was I put Patterson Jordan Dipper on the same stage as Show of Hands didn't I Ralph?

And you went a bit odd...And you've not got off my back since...

Yes I know that I'm a truly wicked person for liking your music AND Show of Hands too..and for daring to put you on the same stage with them....but that is me I'm afraid..

Some parts of the folk world are good, strong, caring, warm, inclusive and loving! I've found my way into that family....They are a million miles away from the other one, that lurks in places like here. They do not condemn, nor do they exclude, they do not try and drive people into the pits of despair with their vicious are very different...Thank God!

At Sidmouth, in 2005 the Ham Marquee was buzzing...despite the efforts of so many people on here, and on the BBC board, to thwack Sidmouth into oblivion. The lack of support from those who should have known better, was astonishing..they know who they are. The BBC is right at the top of the list...and still is. They have behaved appallingly over Sidmouth. But outside the Ham 'real life' was taking place, with young kids knifing each other, some may remember. I was stopped whilst waiting in the queue for the ladies loos, by a young girl, only about 15, already with a baby on her hip, asking for tissues, for her boyfriend who'd been cut. The blade had just missed his jugular vein, but he was left with damaged nerves which will never heal. They are the people I wanted 'brought inside the marquee'....the kids who drink themselves senseless each night, the ones who no-one cares about, the ones who listen to mindless music, who don't know how to think or feel or be....but who just exist. We have so many many thousands of them around right now...

I tried so hard, SO HARD to get people to join me, by writing about them on the board, about social issues, about George's 'Anytown' but no-one supported...I was just told to 'shut up' wasn't I Ralph? If I dared to talk about strong songs and where they took me or criticise the precious was "Shut Up Lizzie!"...Well've shut me up! The kids are still out there, drinking, knifing, sexing, (not loving) abusing, being abused...George's song is still not being played...neither are anyone else's. 'Roots' didn't win an award...

But hey..why should we bother eh?

Nope...the BBC board is for nothing other than selfish people who want to use it to abuse, to control, to silence and suppress...It is those VERY people who have contributed to the way our society now is, by their appalling and imo, disturbing apathy, by their refusal to acknowledge that we are in deep shit in this country and the Western World in general! UNICEF have acknowledged it mind! The UK is the worst place to bring up a child!!!! UNICEF have said that our children are under more pressure from alcohol, from sex, from drugs, from abuse and from families who don't give a damn, than anywhere else on the planet....

Take a listen to Dan Britton and The Return of Crazy Horse and WEEP!


"We need leaders, not self-serving fools
Hanging out with rock stars to make them look cool
They're dealers, just shadows of men
Bringing down bad karma, again and again

"We need leaders, people to trust
Someone to look to, who cares about us
We need healers, the Medicine Men
It's too late for if, it's got to be when

Lily-livered goons, red-necked baffoons
Masquerading as leaders of men
They'll be swept aside, nowhere left to hide
When Crazy Horse rides again....."

(Taken from When Crazy Horse Rides Again by Dan Britton)

"Shut UP LIZZIE!!!!" I have......Now The BBC board will never again be filled with outrage or rantings, or passion....It'll just trip along lightly, and oh so sweetly, talking about Fave This's and Fave That's and Cambridge, Cambridge, Cambridge....

Bugger our singer/songwriters! Bugger powerful, profound words that could do so very much, if ONLY they were let out!!!!!

No...use the board for 'Film Titles with a Folk Twist' or 'Cover Versions' or 'What are you listening to?'....because hey THAT is what truly matters in life isn't it! ISN'T IT???????'s safe and cosy and comfy and warm...and you SO don't have to think about silly old UNICEF or God Forbid OUR CHILDREN GOD! Aren't our children just THE most annoying creatures! Bung' em another bottle of alchopops, that'll keep 'em quiet....Nooooo...far better to discuss the intricacies of a banjo string on the BBC board....

Now, NEVER AGAIN will I EVER be able to tell people about SUPERB SONGWRITERS who CARE PASSIONATELY about what is happening...because of a tiny minority of selfish, cowardly, hooded creeps who don't give a Flying Duck for anything or anyone but themselves and their own tiny, narrowed LITTLE worlds!!!!


I'm off the BBC for ever now. You and your friends have seen to that good and proper. I hope you enjoy your hollow victory. The BBC have now threatened to tell my internet provider about me. (?????)
Oh really?????....whilst of course, totally refusing to answer ANY of my questions, or to carry out the investigation I keep asking them for, or talk to me in any way again.

So..that's pleasant, fair and totally above board isn't it!

All that has been behind this whole 'campaign' and believe you me it HAS been a 'campaign' is your own selfish and hateful agendas of 'Burn The Witch'

Well...The Witch is finally going....I no longer will ever write on the BBC or on here or anywhere else, other than my Myspace page and one other place.

I hope none of you ever...EVER have to endure what I've had to, from such vicious words spoken by vicious people...but perhaps..if ever you do...think back...and remember...

There's my reply to your apology Ralph.

If an apology is TRULY meant, then I accept it....If however, it is written in false ink...then I will discard it.

You have a great deal, imo, to apologise for. I have nothing to apologise to you for. I have been nothing but supportive of your music and your band Ralph. I have held back, over and over, when you have deeply insulted and hurt me time after time. I complied with your wishes to never mention your name again, even though those wishes were written to me in a rude manner, I even took your name out of your band recently, but that made you throw another wobbly... don't have to wobble any more. You've not got the BBC board ENTIRELY to I suggest you bugger over there and use it....

Hey you could start a thread for it "10 Best Ways To Fiddle Whilst Our Children Burn?"

Have fun.
