The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99695   Message #1989590
Posted By: dwditty
07-Mar-07 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: Art of the Solo Performer
Subject: Art of the Solo Performer
I have been writing down some thoughts about performing lately which I suppose I will eventually post in blog form somewhere. As I write, though, I find myself turning often to a book I purchased a few years ago - one of those books you keep handy and go back to often. It is called, "The Art of the Solo Performer" by Steve Rapson (Solo Performer). Rapson ran open mics around Boston for 20 years or so. As you can imagine, he has a pretty good amount of field research. As near as I can tell, we all go out of our way to learn as many bad habits as we can from other performers.... :). The book is broken down into tiny sections (tips, if you will) that can generally be read in a matter of seconds or a minute or two. This makes the book very handy to pick up and read in those odd moments. With nothing to gain but the chance to return the many favors of tips and advice I have received here, I highly recommend this book for anyone who performs or wants to.
