The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99449   Message #1989805
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
07-Mar-07 - 03:31 PM
Thread Name: The BBC Board
Subject: RE: The BBC Board
From Chris...

>>>You weren't expelled from the BBC board because of your views - you were suspended because of your obsessive and quite frightening behaviour.<<<


Right!! This has been a long time coming as well!

Have I ever insulted you in such a way as you have over and over in your post Chris? EVER??????


Well....Stand by!!!

Chris, I have kept my mouth shut over you for a very long time! You seem to think that you have a right to go round saying whatever you so choose about me, but I'm not supposed to respond. WRONG!!

Occasionally, very occasionally you have said that you like my enthusiasm, but you also say some damned rude things about me over the years. And some of the above highlights that!

It worries me that you're a teacher, to be honest.

Firstly...because you so often seem to miss what's going on and cannot seem to see the wood for the trees!

Secondly, it also seems that you do not appear to much like children, as was witnessed in the Myspace thread, when you complained about parents who DARED to take their kids out of school to take them on holiday. I held back there, I have held back often! I also held back when you were damned rude to me over the Sidmouth threads over here.

Thirdly, a should have stood up with me and screamed blue murder about how Diane treated people who made spelling mistakes, belittling them at every turn for YEARS! As a teacher, I would expect, but very much doubt, that you would know ALL about dyslexia. That includes the deep distress and damage that is caused to people who have dyslexia, from abusive and ignorant people such as Diane, who refuse to even recognise it exists! It DOES! It runs right through my family for a will find that MANY MUSICIANS also have dyslexia, that is why I started a thread all about it on the BBC board and why I continued to tell Diane to stop, over her abusive comments to people who sometimes struggle with writing!

Mel, the BBC host, asked me to stop going on at Diane about this. I told Mel to look into dyslexia, realise it was real and associated with musicians, dancers, athletes, artists etc...all the creative people...and then ask Diane to stop doing it! I was not abusing people, she was and therefore she should have stopped doing it.

It is obviously a passion of mine, because I am surrounded by the damage caused from ignorance and closed minds. I am also on that dyslexia circle myself. At seven years old my son was already being humiliated by his TEACHER over his dyslexia! He, being home-educated, is now spared any other ignorant and thoughtless attitudes, he never thinks of himself as 'dyslexic' he is just him...and very happy.

I talked about my children, under the name I choose, which PROTECTED them...because what had happened and is still happening to them and around them is hugely important and connected to what is going on around so very many young people at present! Seek out the UNICEF report for yourself, if you are interested enough!!!!!

As always you have entirely missed the point! Ralph Jordan had no right or reason to put my real name on that board. He did it purely out of spite and to cause trouble and upset. That may be on in your book is NOT on in mine! You CHOOSE to put your real name down...that is YOUR CHOICE!

Again, being a teacher, I do not expect you to recognise or understand bullying when you fall over it!

I have two children who were bullied rotten and were surrounded by teachers who'd not a clue what was going on under their noses, or how to handle it...whilst being surrounded by posters on their walls that screamed out their Anti-Bullying Policies! HAH!!!!

I am a Home Educator...deadly enemy to teachers! Many teachers are also folkies...many folkies are also connection there with how many enemies I have on the boards I'm sure! ;0)

Many teachers become teachers, in my opinion, purely for the holidays.   It's a good way to fit in the folk festivals after all....but those bloody kids keep getting in the way don't they! Bloody, bloody kids!

I am not mad, or obsessive!

In fact, if you met me you'd probably be quite surprised...

BUT I am passionate about the way our society is breaking down...and I know it needs to be changed....FAST! AND I KNOW that music can play a HUGE part in doing that! I've seen kids falling to pieces from stress of exams...My daughter, as I've said before, already had two school colleagues who'd committed suicide by the time they were 17. TWO! One in Sidmouth, one in Tavistock. Our children and young people are in a state of emergency! UNICEF recognise that WE do not!

As a teacher, I'd have great respect for you if you stood up and said that you were no longer going to put intense pressure on children for exams, that you were going to all abandon SATS tests, the hours of senseless endless homework, the rules, the regulations, the uniforms, the talking down, the almost 'active dislike' that some teachers have of children...and all the other rubbish and abuse that is hurled at our kids. As CAN do this....but for some unknown reason....none of you will! And so our kids keep on turning off and getting ill...but why can still get your holidays and go to your folk festivals!

What a great shame that you chose to whinge and whimper about me, rather than romp in and stand up for Sidmouth and tell the Moaning Minnies where to stick their venomous posts, but oh decided to join their ranks, by going over to the BBC board and saying how appalling my posts were...and tell me Chris...what of the twice as appalling things that were being said to me???? Strange...You didn't mention that did you?

I have had to endure countless posts from you...about me. I kept quiet on the BBC because, hell...yet another person to freak out over..and there were so many!

Just because you are a teacher does NOT give you the right to talk to me in the insolent way you so often do! I have NEVER been personal about you, until this moment! You may talk to children in that manner, but you sure as hell don't get to talk to me like that, not without me answering you back...and I can do that over here...

My private life has NOTHING to do with you...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! As in ZILCH! ZERO! So..don't dare to talk to me in such a bloody rude manner as you have above! I would NEVER put that on any messageboard about you matter what I had heard, or read, or seen..

I suggest you take several GCSE's in politeness, good manners, sensitivity and how NOT to be a Moaning Minnie!

Ralph Jordan had no right whatsoever to put my name on that board or to say what he did about me or my family. I have NO RESPECT for you for not being able to see that....but as I said earlier...I can understand it, with you being a teacher and all!

Hurts doesn't it Chris! It's unpleasant when people finally turn around and give you a dose of your own medicine!

I have the GREATEST respect for NATURAL teachers, who care deeply and passionately about our children. Who do NOT see kids as pests and bloody nuisances, who talk to them as people in a compassionate, helpful and understanding way....and who have the guts to stand up to this madly controlling Government and say ENOUGH!!

The rest of the education system can go fly as far as I'm concerned and should be taken to court for the damage they're doing to our nation's children!

And I have never said or inferred that people who do not like Show of Hands are 'bad people' for Gawd's Sake! They can like or dislike them or anyone else to their hearts content. I do take umbridge at the way some folk on messageboards think they can say incredibly insulting things about musicians though. SURELY Chris...even you MUST have noticed that something OTT was happening during The Battle Of Show of Hands, on the BBC board, the old one. It made it into Folk On Tap for heaven's sake, who were as digusted as I was at what the BBC allowed to be said about Show of Hands...

Show of Hands and many, many other musicians and songwriters are now writing incredibly powerful songs about what is happening around us! As a teacher YOU are right in the middle of see it every single working day of your life!!!

And 'Roots' should have won in the Folk Awards...Pure and Simple..they should have my opinion.

So...I'd suggest that instead of writing one or two lines about something of no importance whatsoever on the BBC board, as you so often do, you take the time and use the opportunity you have to start off discussions about what you know is happening to our young people. Then start standing UP and asking the BBC to start playing some of the amazing songs that you know will change some people's views and turn around the apathy! If you don't do one else is going to! I certainly now no longer can....because of what The Moaning Minnies have dictacted on that board...

Then I'd suggest you read the entire Radio 2 board all over again, for your homework, take an 'A' Level in it, study it at an NVQ in it as well and then...find a new career with Moaning Minnies R Us!

You have the CV for it!!

And I am sorry to be rude...but believe you me asked for it!