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Thread #82028   Message #1990477
Posted By: Amos
08-Mar-07 - 10:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
And on a lighter note, from another column in the same paper, by David Brooks:

"...Today, the White House staff is less disciplined but more attractive. There is no party line in private conversations. The trick now is to figure out what administration policy really is, because you can now talk to three different people and get three different versions on any topic. There's more conversation and more modesty. The vice president has less gravitational pull, and there has been a talent upgrade in post after post: Josh Bolten as chief of staff, Henry Paulson at Treasury. If Bob Gates had been the first defense secretary, the world would be a much better place today.

The administration has also lost its transformational mind-set. After cruel experience, there's a greater tendency to match ends to means, and to actually think about executing a policy before you embark upon it. There's much more tolerance for serious freethinkers — the Johns Hopkins scholar Eliot Cohen was just hired at State.

In short, this administration's capacities have waxed as its power has waned. And you can't help but feel that today's White House would have been much better at handling the first stages of the war on terror. But that's the perpetual tragedy of life: the owl of Minerva flies at dusk. Wisdom comes from suffering and error, and when the passions die down and observation begins. "