The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99346   Message #1990614
Posted By: Leadbelly
08-Mar-07 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: German Folk- and Blues-Singers
Subject: RE: German Folk- and Blues-Singers
Ron -
"I always thought that the Viennese-- and Berlin-- sense of humor was sharper, more cynical than the gentler Sozialkritik of some others".
Complete this by a little bit of jewish homour then you will have Georg.

In 1938, he and his parents left occupated Austria because of the Nazis finding refuge in the USA.
In 1943 he became a US-citizen and went back to Vienna in 1955.

Here are some of his most popular german songs: "Tauben vergiften im Park" (mentioned before) „Als der Zirkus in Flammen stand", „Zwei alte Tanten tanzen Tango", „Der Musikkritiker", „Der General", „Kapitalistenlied", „Meine Freiheit, Deine Freiheit".

Maybe now you will remember one or more titles.
