The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99695 Message #1990628
Posted By: Stewart
08-Mar-07 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: Art of the Solo Performer
Subject: RE: Art of the Solo Performer
The "performance skills" pages on the link above are very good. The "Do's and Don'ts for Open Mikers" by Steve Friedman should be posted at every open mic.
I've been doing open mics for about ten years now, both as a performer and also as an organizer and volunteer. It's a real education in performing. But I'm also concerned that, at least at most open mics I've been to, there's little or no feedback or educational aspect on how to perform. Just get up and do your thing, observe others and learn from your experience as best you can. Some people progress well under these circumstances, but others could use some guidance and mentoring.
So I've thought about doing an open mic workshop, but I'm not quite sure how to structure this. What are some ideas for such workshops or for introducing an educational component into our open mics?