The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98924   Message #1990635
Posted By: Peace
08-Mar-07 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Proof that Bush lied
Subject: RE: BS: Proof that Bush lied
I sure is difficult to have it both way. The game plan was to

1) oust Saddam
2) find WMDs

Saddam is gone and the WMDs aren't there.

The Iraqis were killing themselves quite efficiently at a rate of about 150 per day. That doesn't not include the Kurds who were gassed. The problem now as I see it is one of leaving the place with a stable government and police/military sufficiently balanced and strong enough to keep order until whatever form of government they agree to is in place and functioning. I do not see a plan in place. Years ago I didn't see a plan, and neither did anyone here. (Invasion or 'shock and awe' is NOT a plan.) So, while the 'how many folks have died' is a neat game to play for 100 posts (I didn't count, but it sure feels like at least 10,000 posts by now), it doesn't come close to addressing the problem.