The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99650   Message #1990747
Posted By: Amos
08-Mar-07 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: A World without America
Subject: RE: BS: A World without America
Your redneck voice is really dyed-in-the-wool, huh, Dickey? Pardon the mixed metaphor. I have seen a few of these (make Fox noises here) illegal immigrants (end Fox noises) and what I have seen is individuals who will work their buns off, and do, for the sake of making some headway in life and helping their mothers and wives back home. None of them has ever voiced any interest in propping up a corrupt government. None of the ones I have known had any ill-begootten funds -- every penny of it was earned with honorable sweat and usually very good work, too. I know of no resources anyof them usurped, except perhaps driving on AMerican highways and occasionally getting a glass of water. These are guys who are fighting for a decent living and doing anything asked of them to earn it honestly. They have more honor among them, in many cases, then any of the scuzzballs you worship in the halls of Gummint. And they produce value rather than destruction, unlike your lot.