The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97733   Message #1990748
Posted By: Ebbie
08-Mar-07 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do you get to sleep & stay that way?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you get to sleep & stay that way?
I sleep well. Frankly I prefer to wake up at least once in the night just so I can see how the night is going. *G* I haven't used an alarm clock in years; when it is essential that I wake up at a given time I always do. It is as if a timer is running.

Are you familiar with the 'Magic Eye' phenomenon? It's a photographic manipulation that shows one a pop up picture that one doesn't see until one's eyes have kind of *shifted*. That is how I feel about what happens when I prepare for sleep. Something in my brain shifts.

There are times when I would like to lie awake longer, just to think something out or to dwell on a pleasant event. But no. Off into the wild blue yonder I go...