The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #1991007
Posted By: Bobert
08-Mar-07 - 09:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Well, there is universal American guilt for what FDR did to the Japanese Americans... You won't find anyone who says "Yeah, them Japs was out to get us... That's why they immigrated here and set up all these small businesses so they would be in a position to invade us from our rear flank..."

How friggin' stupid... Yeah, we all know that was a bad time for American history... I don't think there is anyone with an I.Q. greater than that of a box of animal crakers who would think different...

But here we are going on 6 years since 9/11 and we have folks locked up who we don't have a clue if they were bad guys 'er not-so-bad guys and we have had opportunities to take a deep breath and say, "Hey, maybe these folks deserve judical review to see if they are bad guys" but we haven't done that...

A chickensh*t Republican Congress sent a bill to a Chickenhawk president that says, "Hey, screw them folks. We don't care if they are guilty or not..." and the chickenhawk president signed it into law, thus violatin' some, ahhhhh, is it 600 years of accepted legal principle that an imprisoned individual had the right to know why he was being held???

Exactly what am I missing here???

Yeah, the US has made ammends foer the internment of Japanese Americans but here we are in a much less engaged situations with folks of Isalmic Faith and we still have our feet on the throats of folks who may or maynot have been America's enemies yet we don't allow judical review...

And the way it is with the so-called War on Terrorism having no end-game in a position to keep these folks until they die, regardless of innocence or guilt???

This is not my grandaddies America and I, for one, will be glad when we have real men, not chickenhawk/chickensh*t punks running out great country and where international law means something...

Oh, Jan. '09 can't come fast enough... These autocrat/nazis are stinkin' up the joint...
