The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #1991088
Posted By: Amos
09-Mar-07 - 12:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
This would all be well and good, Dickey, except that you have asserted the gloss of things without regard for their substance. For example, you lightly gloss over the inhumane violations of the Geneva Convention as thought it were actually necessary to set aside the normal protections of human rights. It was not necessary and I am sure that the years those men spent in their rendition centers or Guantanamo were not spent in the difficult task of ascertaining their status--I think tha is a fairy tale.

The only counter-attack against those who launched 9-11 that seems to have come anywhere close is the botched offensive at Bora Bora, where the Conglomerate forces allowed (apparently--this is all information at a distance) the head of Al queda to escape. Our offensive against Al Queda has been seriously compromised by the half-wit decision to invade a foreign country for other reasons on a "preventivce" basis, an immoral proposition in my opinion.

As for my trying to control the conversation, I was simply pointing out what this thread is about, which is not FDR. Say what you like, old fruit.