The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99730   Message #1991214
Posted By: Grab
09-Mar-07 - 05:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
This guy Paisley said he won it

A little previous there! BBC (as of 09:47 GMT) shows only 72 of 108 seats decided, and the DUP have a 1-seat lead over Sinn Fein.

will not sit in a government center with Irish republicans

So no news there, then.

For myself, I'd like to see it go ahead whatever. If some of the representatives don't want to participate, fine - the world can go on without them, and decisions can be taken by the people who *will* participate. The British government needs to grow a set of balls and not let Paisley hold the process to ransom. Given a choice between either having NI run by republicans, or sitting in the same room as republicans and having NI run by unionists (assuming they win the vote, which they probably will), the unionists might wise up.
