The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #1991953
Posted By: Donuel
09-Mar-07 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
It used to be that business made something or served somebody for a profit for the owners and workers. Customers were served and workers were paid.
Now it seems that a business is to serve the stockholders with huge holdings who would neither use the product or service of a company.

Workers be damned. Customers be damned. Its the Board that matters.

The poverty tread mill begins with anyone but the super rich having to go into debt for a meaningful education.

Banks and credit institutions are now exploiting the poor as never before. Interest rates of 30% are not uncommon.
You might sign a crdit document that says your interest rate is 17% but the credit card company can raise it as much as they want whenever they want.

Credit companies now make sure that your "DUE DATE" is payable on a Sunday or the last day of a holiday so that they can induce fines if you even try to pay on the due date.

Your deposits take 3 seconds to enter the bank. But if you try to draw on it, the typical wait is 7 days. All the interest goes to the bank and you are fined if you try to cash a check for your money,

Charging people for what they already own also induces poverty.

In Bolivia Bechtel coporation has made it illegal for people to collect rainwater. They MUST use piped water which is a1/4 of the income of the poor - or risk jail and fines.

In the US we are charged and fined to use our own money.