The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #1992012
Posted By: Bee
09-Mar-07 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
Guest mg, some of your ideas are interesting, some I find frighteningly dehumanising and aggressive. There is also a faint hint of misogyny, as you sound out regarding out-of-wedlock pregnancy with apparently little regard for the fact that in or out of wedlock, children have fathers, and rather than being in combat, perhaps some of those out of work fathers should be encouraged to stay at home with their children while the perhaps more employable mothers work.

Workfare, where it has been tried, has been immensely expensive: mothers need costly childcare, upgraded education, often have no work appropriate clothing (office clothes can be expensive, if you have no basic wardrobe - I don't), cannot afford transportation to distant workplaces. Homeless men on welfare often have psychiatric issues and are simply unemployable. Workfare only sounds good to the righteously indignant about poor people getting some of 'their tax dollars'.