The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98924   Message #1992111
Posted By: Bobert
09-Mar-07 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Proof that Bush lied
Subject: RE: BS: Proof that Bush lied
Thanks, Arne...

Seems as if there are a few knotheads here who think that, oh horrors, if 650,000 Iraqia had actaully died as a result of Bush/Blair invasion then that might mean that, ahhhhh, maybe the decison was wrong???

I mean, what's that all about???

Hey, what is the bodycount threshold where these folks would say "Hey, you guys were right... This is a dumbass war???"

I mean, hey, I mention 650K and they squeal like stuck pigs...

I mean, what if it was 350,000, 400,000??? Waht is it about these folks that is so humng up on the numbers before they throw up their hands and say, "Okay, we were wrong???"...

Yet they would love nuthin' more than to divert the discussion to one of methodology in the body-count where folks are no longer discussing the morality of the war but some academic discussion about how the dead are counted??? This is some very messed up tinking but I understand it... ****They*** stood by and not only allowed this war to happen but were the cheerleaders...

That is what this is all about... The blood, be it one child or 650,000 women and kids, is on their hands...

They were given alternative sources about the lies behind the justification for this war and they just didn't want to be bothered and now??? Yeah, they want to argue methodology of how the dead are counted???

These are some very sick people and they know who they are and we do to...

...we were right and you folks were ****very***** wrong...

Reducing the absolute horror of a 6 years old who has just witnessed his or her mother's body being blown to pieces to an acadmeic exercize is the sickest of the sick...

Shame on all of you who are unwilling to look at what you have supported and cheerred for... You like yer "Shock 'n Awe" now that it has come down to the reality that, what??? 100,000??? 200,000??? 600,000??? people gettin' blown to pieces so you could get yer jollies with all those "Shock 'n Awe" pictures traversed yer TV screens while you chugged one Budweizer after another in pure entertainment???

That's the way it looks from here 'cause after every friggin' excuse for the war has evaporated like some mirage on a highway you people have bought into the new 'n improved reason to blow up yet another mother, child, old person, college kid...

And TO WIT: Now you wnat us to belive that if we don't kill these kids, mothers and 'ol folks that they will attacking the US???

What absolute stupidity...

Beam me up, Scottie... There are way too many stupid people here...
