The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99346   Message #1992137
Posted By: Susanne (skw)
09-Mar-07 - 09:06 PM
Thread Name: German Folk- and Blues-Singers
Subject: RE: German Folk- and Blues-Singers
I love Georg Kreisler's songs. The lack of taste is intended, and no one does them like he himself.

He has always claimed to have written "Tauben vergiften im Park" before Tom Lehrer came up with "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park". However, a couple of years ago a German Kabarett expert emailed me with the info that he had heard from Gerhard Bronner, a former stage partner of Kreisler's, that Kreisler had admitted to him having pinched the Pigeons from Lehrer. Bronner has since died, Kreisler is still alive, and I haven't got the musical biography which came out last year, with a CD of his early songs (written in English), so I don't know whether it will be any help with the Pigeons question ...

Any questions, anyone?