The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #1992283
Posted By: GUEST,Barry
10-Mar-07 - 01:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Be careful Amos, love. FDR is gonna get pulled out of that black hat again like a rabbit in rebuttal. Not that FDR has anything in common here but he just keeps popping up as an example. Go figure. WWII has got nothing in common with our present day situation. Each day it seems as if (ok maybe each week) we take one more step back into the dark ages, (not the middle ages, we are now past that) & we had come such a long way, baby (sarcasm) since WWII, not that far from Viet Nam though. It's enough to make a grown man or woman cry. The firing of the 8 AG's is only symtomatic of an administration gone beserk. This in itself is tragic that an effort like this would or could be even attempted never mind excuted. But this is just one example of many that keeps getting repeated & defended that at present it's becoming overwhelming to just keep track of these blows upon our justice system never mind trying to right the wrongs & to attempt bring those responsible to justice. At this rate with the barrage of assults & the steamrolling over of our rights we'll (we the people) will have nothing left & nothing left to fight with.
