The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #1992615
Posted By: dianavan
10-Mar-07 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
"...folks who really had no idea how to lift themselves out of poverty..."

I quite often wonder why some people seem to dwell in poverty while others are able to lift themselves out of misery. I think it may have something to do with the ability to network, socially, and the ability to access services and goods that are available.

I also know that to escape the cycle of poverty, you must be able to see that you have choices and are able to make decisions. You must have hope. When people feel that they are trapped, they become helpless. I also know that you must be very assertive about your right to access the programs that are out there.

When discussing poverty, I think that we must be aware that for many, it is only a temporary situation. I was there once as a single mom but I can guarantee that the only way I was able to succeed was because I had a strong social network of friends that were able to help with hand-me downs and childcare, etc.

If all of us were to extend the hand of friendship and help that neighbor (whether they are elderly or a single parent or...) Sometimes it just takes knowing that someone cares that helps you to regain your self worth.

Take a neighbor shopping.
Offer to help with childcare.
Help with the gardening.

There is alot we can do to ease the burden to insure that people are not feeling isolated and alone. Poverty is depressing and its hard to lift yourself up if you are feeling down in the dumps.