The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99695 Message #1992616
Posted By: Stewart
10-Mar-07 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: Art of the Solo Performer
Subject: RE: Art of the Solo Performer
dw - thanks for your kind remarks. I'm not sure I'm the one to write this book, I'm still trying to figure this out. I currently visit 3 different open mics.
The main one is very popular - about 25 performers each week, one song - and has a very friendly listening audience, nice bookstore/bakery venue. Quite a range of performers, from pros to rank first-time amateurs. But many of the latter could benefit from a little mentoring or how-to-perform guidance. It's a nice open mic, a great community of musicians, but is becoming a bit of a drag to sit through two and a half hours just to get one song. Some of the regulars know only about three songs and keep repeating the same.
Another open mic I've begun to go to is in an Irish bar. Typical bar scene - noisy, pool table, TVs (but sound turned off, thankgoodness), gaming machines, etc. But it has a small stage with a few table around with mostly musicians listening. It's an invitational "musician's showcase" so usually we get 5 songs or about 20 min. A great host, terrible sound system, usually good musicians, and it really teaches you how to perform under all conditions (you realize that the loud cheer in the middle of your song is really in response to the game on the TV). And it doesn't start until after 9 pm and goes past midnight. Lots of pluses and minuses.
The third one is quite new, in a small comfortable coffee house, small stage, no mic (small room, good acoustics). So far not a lot of musicians so we get about 3 songs, usually an equal number of musicians and listeners, quiet listening atmosphere. The host sort of schedules performers on the basis of when they come and if they have to leave early or can stay late. Very informal. Hope it doesn't become too popular so we can still do several songs.
I've been to a few other local open mics which are terrible - loud rock music, poetry and rap, loud bars, et. - only once, never went back. So there's quite a range. When I finally figure it all out I'll think about the book.