The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99650 Message #1992850
Posted By: RangerSteve
10-Mar-07 - 03:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: A World without America
Subject: RE: BS: A World without America
Without the U.S., Canadians wouldn't be able to drive to Mexico, they'd have to fly or sail. Leif Erikson and Columbus might have just sailed right on past and into the Pacific. And the remaining Americas might not be discovered by Europeans for a long time, maybe long after Amerigo Vespucci died, leaving it to be named by someone else, possibly someone named Huffington Spootwanger. How'd you Canadians like to have to say that you lived on the continent of North Spootwanger? William Shatner might remain unknown, thereby leaving a lot of blank spaces on the Mudcat thread list. No, wait, there wouldn't be a Mudcat, and you wouldn't be wasting your time reading this carp that I just wrote, and your lives would be better for that. Ignore this.