The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99814   Message #1994356
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish
12-Mar-07 - 10:36 AM
Thread Name: It's Our Little Club (comment)
Subject: RE: It's Our Little Club (comment)
From Bee:

>>Lizzie, I must agree with Ruth..

Bee, with all due respect, what is happening here has very little to do with what you think it may, and a great deal to do with one person's vitriolic campaign to stop me from posting both here and on the BBC. Ruth's now seemingly 'tender' concern for Sam or his sites is very sickening to me, because for weeks now, months actually, she's been saying the most personal things about Sam on this board and the BBC, where her posts were finally removed, after I told the BBC I would sue them if they were not.

She is one of a strong, small group who follow me round. I see that sadly, FolkieDave has also joined the ranks now too. Your choice Dave.

However, if you look on The Albion Chronicles thread from about 3 days ago now, you'll see what happened a while back. That thread, which I started a very long time ago, when I first discovered Sam's sites, was recently revived, for no reason other than to have a go at me...and to try and get to me through Sam, following the most appalling behaviour on the BBC. I did not respond. And was revived again just the other day, for exactly the same reason. That reason being 'keeping the pressure up'

I'm sorry that she's doing it yet again in here, but it won't stop I'm afraid, not until she and her friends have tried their damndest to drive me away.

Sam's sites are memories, interests and inspiration. They are a gathering together, in one place, of many items on the same subjects. Sam writes a great deal in there himself. He has poured a great deal of himself into those pages as well, because he has a true love of the music and of his country. Nothing is done for commercial gain, there is not one word in there of malice, or spite or unpleasantness...purely pages and pages of supportive and interesting information, gathered into one place for those who wish to read it.

However, this will now be blown out of proportion and used over and over again to try and put him into disrepute and his pages also. It's the way 'they' work I'm afraid.

Ruth has dragged my personal life across this board and across the BBC board. I'm stunned to hear her mention that she's divorced actually, as she did above, because I'd have thought if that were truly the case, then she'd know about the pain involved in that part of life. Obviously, she couldn't give a hoot, as she has dragged my family through deep er...'muck' (for want of a better word) on other threads in here and on the BBC also...whilst also revealing my real name, without my permission.

If her concern for Sam is real, then her 'using' of his sites and my personal life, will, I'm sure, stop. However, I'd not hold out too much hope if I were you.

It's one of those cases of having to have walked a mile in someone's moccasins to understand the full picture here...

Hope this helps a little anyway..
