The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99761   Message #1994952
Posted By: number 6
12-Mar-07 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: One Legged Joke Stream
Subject: RE: BS: One Legged Joke Stream
In reference to the 'Hawkeye' humour ... regardless of it being a movie, tv series (whatever) the subject referred to people working in those conditions ... yes, humour gets those people through their day by day hell, specific to the MASH units ... not for people 'unconnected' to their position in the miseries of humanity.

Those pics I linked to ... I'm sure there are some jokes being passed amongst the tragic victims in Walter Reed, and I'm sure there are a lot of tears and emotional scars that will accompany them and their loved ones. I feel for the mother of a victim who is going through the pains and difficult emotional adjustments of having a son or daughter having lost a limb ... maybe she's surfing through the net looking up some begotten anti-war folk song ... comes across the Cat, floats down to the BS (bonzo) section and see's this thread.I don't think anyone of us who has posted to this thread is connected to the sitution of having their child lose a limb. A while back one of my coworker's 10 year old son lost an arm in an accident ... it was very hard for this child to accept not having an arm ... it was a rough time for this family for some months ... really tough time. I know my coworker would have been upset if he came across these jokes on a music forum. Sure, as time passes on he and his son will swap one armed jokes. But I wonder how his son, or one of these vets will feel passing strangers somewhere hearing them swap and laff at 'one armed jokes'?

As I mentioned ... this is a public forum accessed by many kinds of people in many kinds of situations ... would your local newspaper post one legged jokes in it .... if not, why not?
