The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99856   Message #1995163
Posted By: GUEST,Another Observer
13-Mar-07 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: The Living Tradition
As a new comer to the Mudcat web site I'm surprised by the vicious comments made by of some of its contributors. I have no problem with opinions being expressed but some remarks simply trash artists, other contributors and folk events with real venom verging on hatred. There seems to be a Mudcat hardcore who have obviously been folk aficionados for many years and this experience seems to entitle them to a level of self opinionated arrogance I haven't witnessed in other forums.

It seems to me that the so called folk revival began only a relatively short time ago; say fifty years. I realise that the music of the folk tradition goes back many hundreds of years but until the mid twentieth century it remained in local communities. That music will have been changed considerably over the years and the words to the songs will have changed too. Judging by the comments on Mudcat, you would think some contributors are protecting some precious Holy Grail of folk which has been under the personal supervision of their ilk since time began. Yes protect the tradition, and as far as I can see that has been done. Now that we have so many recording techniques the tradition is safe. Surely you can allow the current and future generations to put their interpretation on this genre. If you stifle change in this art form, or any other, it will die.

The enthusiasm of new artists and the excitement brought about by new performance will, in fact, allow you to protect the tradition. Artists will always go back to the beginning to seek inspiration.

Just a thought.