The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99814   Message #1996117
Posted By: Folkiedave
14-Mar-07 - 05:12 AM
Thread Name: It's Our Little Club (comment)
Subject: RE: It's Our Little Club (comment)
Second, if you can't even spell "Wayne's World" or "Spartacus" you have a problem. Get an education

In view of discussions about this earlier this week on Mudcat you will forgive me if I do not let this pass Richard.

Some people do have specific learning difficulties and spelling can be one of them.

It is very dangerous to suggest to someone that because they manifest a difficulty spelling or reading they need education. Dangerous because they may then stay clear of all education when with some remedial help they could be great achievers. Often the amount of help needed can be tiny and simply changing the colour of the paper they use or of the computer screen they watch sometimes makes a huge difference. It really is that simple. (For those who have never heard of this before, various shades of green or salmon pink are usually the ones that work best).

Secondly it is also dangerous because the local authority can be sued for not providing for this and as council-tax payers we could ultimately pay for their neglect. I have acted in a witness in such a case and the authority did not test it in court.

Many of the mature students I dealt with in an FE college had exactly this problem and were having a second go at education. Many went on to higher education including doctorates.

Telling them at interview to "get educated" would not have been a good idea.

There are many people with this problem who have a record of high achievement in a whole variety of areas and who have become famous in their field. I shan't bother you with a list, if you are that interested there are plenty on the web.


I have not attacked Richard personally as I am sure he would agree. I have not misquoted him or twisted his words. They have been taken directly from his post without alteration. I have simply disagreed with him. It is allowed.