The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #1996340
Posted By: Dickey
14-Mar-07 - 09:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
I notice you have avoided addressing the fact that the money was spent by noting it was spent during a war, Do you deny it was spent?

Do you deny it was a much greater overspending than Bush is credited with now?

If it was indeed spent and if it is a greater portion of the GDP than is being spent now, how can it be any more ruinous now than it was then?.

Thus the charge of spending our grandchildren's legacy & dowery was done 60+ years ago and we are probably better off because of it.

Do you deny that Clinton inherited a declining deficit and left an decreasing surplus?

The downhill trend began during Clinton's tenure, continued until mid-2004 and is now in an upward, declining deficit trend. To say that GWB has not turned a negative trend into a positive trend is to put a narrow focus on the current state of affairs.

Notice how I have avoided calling you clever and avoided a display of hostility. Just a contribution to this discussion like you requested.

You continued display of animosity toward anyone that dares to oppose your assertions indicates you are only interested in views that comply with yours. That is why I say this is not discussion, as you have mischaractarized it, but a collection of negative views or "dogpiling".