The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #1996393
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Mar-07 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Dickey, you said, "Your continued display of animosity toward anyone that dares to oppose your assertions indicates you are only interested in views that comply with yours."

(I added the italics.)

Well, here's the truth of it. We're all guilty of that. 99.999 % of people are really only interested in views that comply with their own. ;-) It's sad, but it's true. They listen to views that do not comply with their own only just long enough to sieze like a hungry raptor upon some detail or inconsistency or perceived weakness in the other person's argument which they can then use to attack and discredit the other person's argument. They seek victory and enhancement of their own identity (their sense of self) at the expence of someone else's identity (sense of self).

I am keenly aware of this tendency in myself as well as others. I watch it sardonically as it works out its nastiness in every political discussion on this forum. I realize that we are all quite prejudiced and subjective in our judgements, specially when it comes to controversial subjects like politics, religion, UFOs, coverups, etc....

And we all like to talk. And we all think we're right. I predict that this process will continue playing itself out over and over again until we all get old and die. And then it will recommence shortly following the beginning of our next incarnation.

It's more fun for those who have not yet acquired the ability to observe self in an accurate fashion. You could say that they are well cushioned by their own innocence, and will get to enjoy being "right" until the day they die.