The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99761   Message #1996535
Posted By: able
14-Mar-07 - 12:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: One Legged Joke Stream
Subject: RE: BS: One Legged Joke Stream
It really isn't a big deal, I already have the registration number for my plane. Down here in south western Ontario, we have a guy named Carl Hiebert who broke his back while hang gliding (WITH PREDICTABLE RESULTS), he even flew through the rockies for an event in Vancouver. Where I have a problem, is the number of people who seem to think they amputate your brain at the same time as they do your legs. I will agree with some posters, there are those who seem to want to wallow in their own misery. I had a damned hard life, and my parents always told me that if I get into trouble, then I better fight like hell, because I was on my own. Baby boomers and their children never had to go through what my generation did, which is why we now have political correctness. I have also noticed that they tend to commit suicide a lot, especially when life throws them a curve. You do realise that suicide used to be against the law, back then, you did it right the first time, or you were charged. There was an upside though, I never heard of a single woman committing suicide. Times have changed.