The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99746   Message #1996744
Posted By: dianavan
14-Mar-07 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Poverty in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Poverty in the USA
So where does that leave students from a lower-middle class or middle class family? These are the students most likely to need the assistance because they do not want to add financial burden to parents with siblings still at home or perhaps they come from single parent homes where expenses are not shared with anyone or they simply fall through the cracks of eligibility criteria.

Criteria is very strict and, like welfare, unless you're starving, there is very little assistance except for loans. Why should eligibility be linked to family income? At 18 you are considered an adult, right? If able, most parents do help but not always. I help by providing boots, coats, book bags, computer, etc. but my ability to help is limited regardless of what I am presently earning. I can also provide board and room. Just how far is a parent expected to go? According to the criteria you provided, all the way.

The reality is that even working part-time, living at home and being subsidized by mom, the loan is already $70,000.00. Its interest free and she's young so she has plenty of time to pay it off. Most people aren't willing to take those kind of chances without guarantees.

Barry's right. One text can cost $300.00. Use texts are usually unacceptable. The profs want you to have current editions and these are rarely available. Why should university students study old material? It just doesn't work that way in real time.

What appears on paper has nothing to do with reality of obtaining a university education.