The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99910   Message #1997040
Posted By: Donuel
14-Mar-07 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: I need a good lawyer
Subject: RE: BS: I need a good lawyer
I never saw the date. I only knew they were as old as their first word processor.

Amos I sure hope so but Without the original documents I have no proof of their date.
I am afraid that once they were sold they no longer exist but I do not know.

For 8 years I had hoped our good fortune would be put to good use and now I have virtually nothing to show except a check that wouldn't buy a set of tires. I am depressed.

As for my father's estate, the caretaker managed to steal a 350K trust and the house.

Honestly it seems everyone is such a crook that my honest dollar is worth only 3 cents.